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Brown Bear News

Link to News Letters

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Principal's Welcome

Dear Brown Elementary Families,

Welcome to our Brown Bear family! We're so happy you've chosen our school for your child's education.
At Brown Elementary, we care about helping your child grow in every way - not just in class, but outside of it too. We want to bring our community and school closer together, making a special place where kids from all different backgrounds can learn and grow.
We're proud of how diverse our school is. We think it's one of the best things about us. By having families from all sorts of places and with different experiences, we help our students learn about the world around them.
Our saying is "Stand Tall," just like our Brown Bear mascot. We want every student to do their best. We help them grow by:

1. Welcoming and celebrating our differences
2. Learning in and out of the classroom
3. Building strong ties between school and home

We're excited to have your family join us. Together, we'll give your child a great education that goes beyond just books and tests. We want to help shape kids who are ready for the world.
We can't wait to see how your family will add to our Brown Bear community. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to talk to us.
Welcome again, and let's have a great year of standing tall together!

Brandon Davis
Principal, Brown Elementary

Estimadas Familias de la Escuela Primaria Brown:

¡Bienvenidos a nuestra familia de Brown Bears! Estamos muy contentos de que hayan elegido nuestra escuela para la educación de su hijo.
En la Escuela Primaria Brown, nos preocupamos por ayudar a su hijo a crecer en todos los aspectos, no solo en clase, sino también fuera de ella. Queremos acercar nuestra comunidad y la escuela, creando un lugar especial donde los niños de todos los orígenes puedan aprender y crecer.
Estamos orgullosos de lo diversa que es nuestra escuela. Creemos que es una de nuestras mejores cualidades. Al tener familias de todo tipo de lugares y con diferentes experiencias, ayudamos a nuestros estudiantes a aprender sobre el mundo que los rodea.
Nuestro lema es "Mantenerse en Alto", como nuestra mascota el Oso Brown. Queremos que cada estudiante dé lo mejor de sí mismo. Les ayudamos a crecer:

1. Dando la bienvenida y celebrando nuestras diferencias
2. Aprendiendo dentro y fuera del aula
3. Construyendo fuertes lazos entre la escuela y el hogar

Estamos emocionados de que su familia se una a nosotros. Juntos, le daremos a su hijo una gran educación que va más allá de los libros y los exámenes. Queremos ayudar a formar niños que estén listos para el mundo.
Estamos ansiosos por ver cómo su familia contribuirá a nuestra comunidad de Brown Bears. Si tienen alguna pregunta o idea, por favor no duden en hablar con nosotros.
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo, y que tengamos un gran año manteniéndonos en alto juntos!

Brandon Davis
Director, Escuela Primaria Brown

School Hours

Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Regular Day Schedule
7:45 AM - Doors Open
8:25 AM - Tardy Bell Rings

3:00 PM -
Car Rider Dismissal
3:10 PM - Early Bus Dismissal
3:30 PM - Walkers and Late Bus Dismissal

2 Hour Delay Schedule
9:45 AM - Doors Open
10:25 AM - Tardy Bell Rings

3:00 PM - Car Rider Dismissal
3:10 PM - Early Bus Dismissal Bell
3:30 PM - Walkers and Late Bus Dismissal

When a 2 hour delay is necessary, your child will need to be at the bus stop 2 hours from the original time they are picked up. 
They will arrive home at their normal time. No Breakfast is served on 2 hour delays.

Brown Bear Links

State Standards

To view state standards click here.  Access both Indiana State Standards and Common Core Standards through the Standards Print Library.  Access to Language Arts and Math requires the user to click on each subject separately by grade.

 To access the crosswalks (a document explaining standards being taught currently and how the standards will change over to the common core), please click here.   Each is listed by grade.
  • Link to News Letters

    It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser... You can click here to download the PDF file.

  • Dear Brown Elementary Families,

    Welcome to our Brown Bear family! We're so happy you've chosen our school for your child's education.
    At Brown Elementary, we care about helping your child grow in every way - not just in class, but outside of it too. We want to bring our community and school closer together, making a special place where kids from all different backgrounds can learn and grow.
    We're proud of how diverse our school is. We think it's one of the best things about us. By having families from all sorts of places and with different experiences, we help our students learn about the world around them.
    Our saying is "Stand Tall," just like our Brown Bear mascot. We want every student to do their best. We help them grow by:

    1. Welcoming and celebrating our differences
    2. Learning in and out of the classroom
    3. Building strong ties between school and home

    We're excited to have your family join us. Together, we'll give your child a great education that goes beyond just books and tests. We want to help shape kids who are ready for the world.
    We can't wait to see how your family will add to our Brown Bear community. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to talk to us.
    Welcome again, and let's have a great year of standing tall together!

    Brandon Davis
    Principal, Brown Elementary

    Estimadas Familias de la Escuela Primaria Brown:

    ¡Bienvenidos a nuestra familia de Brown Bears! Estamos muy contentos de que hayan elegido nuestra escuela para la educación de su hijo.
    En la Escuela Primaria Brown, nos preocupamos por ayudar a su hijo a crecer en todos los aspectos, no solo en clase, sino también fuera de ella. Queremos acercar nuestra comunidad y la escuela, creando un lugar especial donde los niños de todos los orígenes puedan aprender y crecer.
    Estamos orgullosos de lo diversa que es nuestra escuela. Creemos que es una de nuestras mejores cualidades. Al tener familias de todo tipo de lugares y con diferentes experiencias, ayudamos a nuestros estudiantes a aprender sobre el mundo que los rodea.
    Nuestro lema es "Mantenerse en Alto", como nuestra mascota el Oso Brown. Queremos que cada estudiante dé lo mejor de sí mismo. Les ayudamos a crecer:

    1. Dando la bienvenida y celebrando nuestras diferencias
    2. Aprendiendo dentro y fuera del aula
    3. Construyendo fuertes lazos entre la escuela y el hogar

    Estamos emocionados de que su familia se una a nosotros. Juntos, le daremos a su hijo una gran educación que va más allá de los libros y los exámenes. Queremos ayudar a formar niños que estén listos para el mundo.
    Estamos ansiosos por ver cómo su familia contribuirá a nuestra comunidad de Brown Bears. Si tienen alguna pregunta o idea, por favor no duden en hablar con nosotros.
    ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo, y que tengamos un gran año manteniéndonos en alto juntos!

    Brandon Davis
    Director, Escuela Primaria Brown

  • Office Hours
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    Regular Day Schedule
    7:45 AM - Doors Open
    8:25 AM - Tardy Bell Rings

    3:00 PM -
    Car Rider Dismissal
    3:10 PM - Early Bus Dismissal
    3:30 PM - Walkers and Late Bus Dismissal

    2 Hour Delay Schedule
    9:45 AM - Doors Open
    10:25 AM - Tardy Bell Rings

    3:00 PM - Car Rider Dismissal
    3:10 PM - Early Bus Dismissal Bell
    3:30 PM - Walkers and Late Bus Dismissal

    When a 2 hour delay is necessary, your child will need to be at the bus stop 2 hours from the original time they are picked up. 
    They will arrive home at their normal time. No Breakfast is served on 2 hour delays.
  • To view state standards click here.  Access both Indiana State Standards and Common Core Standards through the Standards Print Library.  Access to Language Arts and Math requires the user to click on each subject separately by grade.

     To access the crosswalks (a document explaining standards being taught currently and how the standards will change over to the common core), please click here.   Each is listed by grade.


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Contact Us

Brandon Davis

Brown Elementary
550 Miller Lane
Seymour, IN 47274
Tel: 812-522-5539
Fax: 812-522-4544