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School Covenent

Education Takes Everyone

The Brown Elementary School Covenant

Covenant 1. A formal, solemn and binding agreement. 2. A written agreement or promise usually between two or more parties, especially for the performance of some action. It is a declaration of intent by all parties who sign to help each other achieve mutual objectives.

These promises are voluntary commitments made by individuals to themselves and to others.

As a student…

I promise to…
  • Attend school regularly
  • Work hard to do my best in class and schoolwork
  • Help to keep my school safe and be responsible for my own actions
  • Ask for help when I need it
  • Respect and cooperate with other students and adults
I need…
  • Teachers and school staff who care about me
  • People who believe I can learn
  • Schools that are safe
  • Respect for my culture and me as an individual
  • A family and community that support me
  • Time with caring adults

As a parent/caring adult…

I promise to…
  • Have high expectations for my child as an individual
  • Help my child attend school and be on time
  • Find a quiet place for schoolwork and make sure work is done
  • Help my child learn to resolve conflicts in positive ways
  • Communicate and work with teachers and school staff to support and challenge my child
  • Respect school staff and the cultural differences of others


I need…
  • Teachers and school staff who respect my role as a parent/caring adult
  • Clear and frequent communication with school
  • Opportunities to attend parent involvement activities at school
  • Respect for my culture, and me and my children as individuals
  • A community that supports families



As a staff member…

I promise to…
  • Show that I care about and believe that all students can learn
  • Have high expectations for myself, students and other staff
  • Provide a safe environment for learning
  • Respect the cultural differences of students and their families
  • Provide quality instruction in a supportive learning environment
  • Provide parents with regular reports on their child’s progress and encourage communication between parent, teacher, and student
I need…
  • Students who are ready and willing to learn
  • Respect and support from students, families, other staff and administration
  • Assistance from staff and administration in removing barriers which prevent me from doing my best for students
  • Respect and support from the community

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